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Aim of the course - 

To be fully competent in taking an original concept from a sketch to a complete and fully functioning marketable product or service. 


Candidates are encouraged to create initial prototype models themselves and therefore learn from this process as there may be some design problems you can identify and make changes early on without having the expense of hiring a company to make a prototype. 

Candidates are permitted to employ an illustrator, sample maker and or manufacturer who will be working from the candidates initial annotated sketches and explanatory notes, these must be evidenced along with a clearly defined creative thought process and the ability to translate their creative design thoughts into a complete marketable end product.


Throughout the course there are ‘Refresh your knowledge’ exercises which are aimed at helping candidates’ recap on what they have learnt and enable the ability to monitor their progress. 

My gradings will also consider how much thought they have put into each step of the You Do Design Course as outlined below.

Alternatively you can complete the course for fun and not have the Certification.

  • Your idea could be.

    1. A new Business model

    2. Stand-alone product.

    3. Graphics Design.

    4. Product line.

    5. Fashion.

    6. A new food menu or Service.


  • Create a set of clear and concise set of instructions - Ingredients and directions.

  • Choose the option relevant to your product or service, include an exploded view if applicable.

    1. For the manufacturing process.

    2. End user instructions.

    3. Application.

    4. Construction.


  • Explain where IP Protection may or may not be relevant to your design.

    1. Patent

    2. Copyright.

    3. Trademark.


The overall Grading specification.


  • Does the candidate show that they understand each step in the Design Process?

    1. Not just understand the process, but can they put it into practice?


  • Can they articulate their Design in a clear and concise manner?

    1. Both in writing and illustrations.

    2. Explanations.

    3. Instructions.

    4. Safety precautions if relevant.

    5. Including why the product/service is fit for use

    6. Show all research for all elements of the process


  • Have they explored specialist processes or craftsmen and have they explained why?

    1. Used an Illustrator.

    2. Had Jigs made

    3. Carpenter.

    4. Electrician.

    5. Plumber.

    6. Sample manufacturer.

    7. Metal worker.


  • Is their understanding of IP Protection enough and do they know whether they might need to consider it?

    1. They will be required to illustrate why they do or don’t need to consider IP Protection on this Design.


  • Did the candidate thoroughly research Eco options sufficiently?

    1. They will need to illustrate how they explored all relevant materials.

    2. Options regarding manufacturing processes?

    3. The manufacturing premises and practices?

    4. Have they looked at longevity?

    5. Can the product be safely recycled?


  • Have they considered and articulated their plans for Product Development?

    1. New or updated design, materials & processes.



  • A candidate will achieve a higher grade (Distinction) by full filling all the elements set out to an outstanding level and illustrate that they understand the Design Process in all its forms as well as their own product Design Process.

    1. Illustrate that they understand the various manufacturing processes available.

    2. Show an advanced knowledge of how their Design idea theory can work in practice, be produced, and executed to a high level.

    3. Show evidence of their research in each element in the Design Process.

    4. Each recap exercise must be answered correctly.

    5. Each project set must be completed to an extremely high standard and well researched.

    6. Even if a candidate does not use a specialist craftsman, they must show that they researched this option and explain why they did not need a specialist.

    7. The finished product must be fully completed to a competent level and all instructions be clear and easy to understand.

    8. Illustrate that they understand more than just their own manufacturing Process (show other processes explored).

    9. Show an understanding of how their Design Idea works in theory and how it will work in practice.

    10. Every project set must be completed to a level which shows a high understanding.

      1. Articulate in its explanation.

      2. Quality of content.

    11. Their own Design/Product must work as intended.

    12. Show they have explored product development.


  • To achieve a lower grade (Merit) the candidate must show a good level of understanding of all the elements in the Design Process and be able to evidence this in their Projects and the design of their own Product.

    1. The Design/Product analysis must show how they intend to reach a working Product if it has not reached that point yet.

    2. Every Project should be fully completed to a level which shows they understand the process in its entirety relating to their product.

    3. Every recap excise must be completed.

    4. All research and notes relating their own Product should be evidenced.


  • To achieve a Pass, the candidate must have fully completed the course and show an understanding of the Design Process.

    1. Their own Product should be at least ready for sample making or had samples made.

    2. All research for their Product should be evidenced.

    3. Every recap exercise should be completed.

    4. All projects should be completed and show a good level of understanding.


Pass, Merit, Distinction

  1. Pass 40- 60 %

  2. Merit 60-80 %

  3. Distinction 80-100 %

Get in touch for more info on:

  • More on what's involved

  • How we can help your company's staff progression

  • More info on how your students can access the course

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