Interactive products rely on a series of processes to ensure they work in reality.
Below are a collection of kitchen layouts which work based on the triangle design, you should be able to pivot and reach all three essential appliances in the kitchen, the oven, fridge and sink in order to work within the sapce more efficiently. This triangular layout changes the space from just a space to a practical prepping, cooking and cleaning space.
When it comes to designing interactive products thinking about how your user will use the product is crucial. In the kitchen you need to understand how a person uses the whole space around them but when designing a stand alone product, thought is put into how the consumer will use the object,
from how it feels in your hands
to how big it is
what the intended use is
to proving that the product is fit for purpose
the longevity of it
All ideas are good ideas until proved other wise and even then it probably just takes a rethink and the ability to make the necessary changes to make it work.
To see how I can help you with your design journey book your appointment now.